Behaviour Principles Written Statement

The Governing Body of St Benedict’s Catholic College has agreed this statement of general principles relating to behaviour and discipline to give guidance to the Principal whose responsibility it is to draw up the Behaviour for Learning Policy, Behaviour for Learning Procedures, and other policies and protocols linked to behaviour and discipline.

The principles reflect the shared aspirations and beliefs of the governors, staff and parents as expressed in our Mission Statement;

We are an inclusive community with Christ at the centre.

We nurture spiritual, emotional and academic growth.

We develop our gifts and talents through prayer, work and respect.

To this end the Behaviour for Learning Policy and other related policies should:


  • Provide measures to encourage and support mutual respect between all members of the College Community; staff, parents, students and governors, and protect them from bullying and discrimination as a result of gender, race, religion, ability, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.
  • Provide measures to encourage good behaviour, including the creation of opportunities for achievement and praise, a fair and consistent use of rewards and consequences, and the involvement of parents in encouraging and supporting good behaviour.
  • Ensure that all adults understand their responsibility for modelling good behaviour.
  • Ensure that each student is enabled to take responsibility for their own actions with appropriate support given according to their needs.
  • Make clear the rules of the College and any consequences that would arise if rules are broken.
  • Make clear any interventions that will take place for students who consistently break rules or where there is serious cause for concern, including how the College will work with outside agencies, parents and carers.
  • Provide guidance on the approach to exclusions, the use of screening and searches by staff, and the use of reasonable force and physical contact by staff.
  • Outline the extent to which the College will take action with behaviour that has taken place off the college premises, outside of college hours, or on any occasion when a student has been identifiable as a student of the College.
  • Make clear what action the College will take if an individual’s behaviour is deemed to be criminal or poses a threat to themselves or others.
  • Be known and understood by all, consistently applied and monitored for effectiveness.
  • Be made available on the College website and publicised in writing to staff, parents and students as appropriate.
  • Comply with all current legislation and guidance.